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A member registered Apr 07, 2018

Recent community posts

I'm thinking of converting the effects you sell into sprite sheets for RPG Maker.

It's a lot of work to cut out your effects and make a single spritesheet by fitting each one into a 192x192 size, but I want to do this.

I'm currently working on an RPG Maker project game. I would love to use your awesome pixel effects.

Can your asset pack be used in RPG Maker MV and MZ?

I'm currently working on an RPG Maker project game. I would love to use your awesome pixel effects.

Can your asset pack be used in RPG Maker MV and MZ?

I'm currently working on an RPG Maker project game. I would love to use your awesome pixel effects.

Can your asset pack be used in RPG Maker MV and MZ?

(1 edit)

Great music!

Are you sure you want to publish this music for my game?

The game tool I'm currently making is RPG Maker MV


I don't know if it works, but I'll try again

I was able to download Mesen and open Project Blue in my application! 

I had the NES emulator nestopia, so I could open it with it as well. 

Thanks for your help!

I'm sorry for being a beginner.

I found this game on Twitter and arrived at this site

Do I need any special tools to play this game on my PC?

Or can I just download and unzip the zip to play normally?

No, what I want to know is not a script or plugin command call, but an additional way to write a "configuration".

I tried the following as an example.

However, I get an error because my configuration is not set properly.

I don't understand the additional description of the configuration.

I want to change the default background from the middle to another all-new background.

But your and the topics here didn't figure out how to do that.

I tried to change the background in the middle of the game by trial and error, but nothing changed or I got an error.

I don't know how to set the configuration of jm_ebb_example.hjson.

I think it's as simple as adding something below the "configuration" in the json file to provide another background instead of the default, can you give me an example?

Thank you.